Thursday, April 9, 2009

Special Words

You know, sometimes we want our spouses to speak words of love to us, to say things or do things to show us they love the way we think we want them said or done. Rarely does it happen that way. And because it doesn't, sometimes, we fail to see or hear how they are showing and telling us how much they care, in their own way, each day.

We sometimes miss out on seeing the loving thought when we're brought a cup of coffee while we are hard at work on our WIP or deep into researching for our next one. We don't always see the offer to take us to eat when they know we're too tired to cook as a show of their love for us--and we don't always hear the words they say about us to others...but oh how blessed we are when we do see and hear the little ways they show and tell us how they feel.

When Dan and I came back from the conference a few weeks ago, I'm so very glad I was in earshot when a friend from church asked Dan where we'd been. Dan said he'd taken me to a conference. The man wondered what kind, since Dan is retired. Dan explained that it was a writing conference for me. And I explained that he was there for me and that he didn't want me to drive by myself. Then Dan said he went because he didn't want to be without me.  It brings tears to my eyes just thinking about how much that one sentence told me he loves me. I don't want to be without him either.

And yes, I did tell Dan how much those words meant to me. I will never forget them.

We need to open our eyes and ears so that we don't miss seeing and hearing the love of our spouses. And then we need to let them know we do.


  1. That is so sweet, Janet! I hope that's why Jack goes to conferences with me, but secretly I think he just enjoys getting away and hanging out with the other tag-along hubbies--LOL!

    I do know it means a lot when I head back to our hotel room each evening that I'll find him there to snuggle with while I talk over the day's ups and downs.

  2. Isn't that true? Just knowing Dan is there at the end of the day so that I can talk about it all is really a comfort!

  3. That is so sweet. I am going to make it a point this week to keep my eyes and ears open for those moments!
