Monday, April 13, 2009

My Husband, the... Hero?

One of my MOST IMPORTANT THINGS about Luke, even before we got married, was that I wanted him to take care of me.

After six-almost-seven years of marriage, this has manifested itself in various ways:

He takes care of me by working hard five days a week to pay our bills and take care of my physicals needs, like a house, food, gas, etc.
He takes care of me by making faith a priority in our lives.
He takes care of me by being there for me emotionally when I need to talk, cry, or laugh.
He takes care of me by allowing me to have three fun & ornery dogs that bring joy to our lives and make me laugh.
He takes care of me by supporting my writing career.

Basically, he takes care of me in a million different ways, little and big, and I love him for it (still!).

And recently, I found out just how much I rely on him.

Our house was broken into, during the day while we were at work. I was the first one home and walked into the mess they left when they went through all our stuff. Thankfully, the dogs were left alone (although they went nuts when I finally got to get back there to let them out!). A bunch of our stuff was stolen, including a few pieces of jewelry that had a lot of sentimental value for me.

I was a wreck pretty much all last week. Very shaken up and just felt violated by the fact that someone was IN MY HOUSE. We have a loving family and group of friends who rallied around and supported us, so I felt very blessed by that.

I was scared to stay home alone the first tnight. I could tell a definite difference in my attitude during the times when Luke was home with me versus the times when I was home alone.
I depend on him to take care of me.

When he was there, I wasn't worried at all about what would happen - I knew that no matter what, he would take care of me. I love being able to depend on him for that.

I think there is a Spiritual lesson here, too - God wants to be the one we can depend on to take care of us. And when we do rely on him, we have a sense of peace.

1 comment:

  1. Very, very true, Lacy. So much in Scripture uses the analogy of marriage as an example of how humans relate to God and how He takes care of us. And like you, I rely on my husband in so many ways. I pray every day that God will give us many, many more years together.
